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Preventing Disease in Our Community

The Christian County Health Department seeks to prevent, slow, or stop the spread of communicable disease through active surveillance, disease investigations, outbreak response, prevention education, and tuberculosis control.

The Health Department's goals include increasing public awareness and education of diseases and their causes and treatments, changing attitudes and behaviors to prevent and control diseases, and creating social norms that favor healthy living.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, each year in the U.S. there are:

  • nearly 62 million cases of the common cold,

  • more than 8,000 hepatitis B cases,

  • more than 16,000 tuberculosis cases,

  • 95 million cases of influenza reported, and

  • nearly 2,000 deaths from influenza (the flu).

You can help protect yourself and our community by taking three simple actions:

  • get recommended vaccinations

  • wash your hands frequently with soap and running water

  • stay home if you aren't feeling well

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